About the ingredient soda crackers. Including 22 recipes with soda crackers, and nutrition data.
Soda crackers are a member of the Baked Products US Department of Agriculture nutritional food group.
Amount | Weight |
1 cup, crushed | 70 grams |
1 cup oyster crackers | 45 grams |
1 cracker | 3 grams |
1 cracker, round large | 10 grams |
1 cracker, oyster | 1 grams |
½ ounce | 14 grams |
1 cracker, rectangle | 6 grams |
In Chinese: | 苏打饼干 | |
British (UK) term: | Soda crackers | |
en français: | craquelins | |
en español: | galletas de soda |
There are 22 recipes that contain this ingredient.
Turkey Cocktail Meatballs recipe
A classic, comforting dish made with tender salmon, crushed crackers, and a hint of dill, baked into a flavorful loaf. Perfect for a simple family meal, served warm with a squeeze of lemon.
Amazing Corn Casserole Supreme recipe
Scotch Apple Pie recipe
A scrumptious appetizer made with fresh artichoke hearts, cheddar cheese and soda crackers.
Quick and Easy Corn Chowder with Salt Pork
A delicious pie that's easy to make and will be easily enjoyed by your family!
Favourite No-Tomato Chili Con Carne Y Frijoles recipe