by Ingredient

Potatoes, instant

About the ingredient potatoes, and instant. Including 26 recipes with potatoes, and instant.



In Chinese:土豆,瞬间
British (UK) term: Potatoes, instant
en français:pommes de terre, instantané
en español:patatas, instantáneo

Recipes using potatoes, instant

There are 26 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Almost Whole Wheat Bread

Almost Whole Wheat Bread

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Another good sandwich bread.

Garbanzo Potato Pancakes

Garbanzo Potato Pancakes

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Garbanzo Potato Pancakes recipe

Heavenly Whole Wheat Bread

Heavenly Whole Wheat Bread

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Heavenly Whole Wheat Bread recipe


Cheesy Lincoln's Birthday Meat Log

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Cheesy Lincoln's Birthday Meat Log recipe


Joyce's Potato Wheat Bread

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Bread machine recipe. Cooking and preparation times depend on the bread machine used.


Easy Chunky Potato Soup

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Easy Chunky Potato Soup recipe


Almond Potato Cake


This scrumptious cake is made with instant potatoes and ground almonds. It also tastes amazing with a custard sauce on the side.


German Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

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Buttery and chocolaty. These cookies are soft in the inside and crunchy at the outside. Nobody can resist these yummy bites.

All 26 recipes

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