by Ingredient

354 vegetarian recipes

that are low-carb ready in 20 minutes or less

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Simple Asparagus with Tamari

Asparagus—along with avocado, kale and Brussels sprouts—is a particularly rich source of glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds. It is also packed with antioxidants, ranking high for its ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals.

Anasazi-Tofu Enchiladas

Bean connoisseurs will appreciate the characteristic taste and texture talents of pinto and kidney combined within this ancient Indian entrant. Versatility of this variety is limited only by your imagination: take them for a dip: enlist them for creative Mexican food construction: they even taste good straight!

Refreshing Sweet & Sour Cucumber Salad

Refreshing Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad recipe

Showing 161 - 176 of 354 recipes