by Ingredient

117 mexican recipes

by title that are low in cholesterol

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Favourite Mexican Pizza

Favourite Mexican Pizza recipe

Easy Tasty Mexican Salsa

Easy Tasty Mexican Salsa recipe

Mexican Guacamole Dip

Mexican Guacamole Dip recipe

Surprise Mexican Wedding

Mexican wedding cakes are always a holiday favorite but this recipe takes it up a notch or two, writes Mary Wilhelm of Sparta.

Salsa Mexicana

This particular salsa is meant to be eaten fresh as it does not freeze well and looses its eye appeal by the second day.

Fideo (Mexican Pasta)

This dish is best at room temperature, although it is good hot or cold also. I have given just the basic recipe; you can add all kinds of things, like corn, fresh tomatoes, cilantro, scallions, blanched chayote squash, etc.

Showing 33 - 48 of 117 recipes