by Ingredient

Chicken Pox Pancakes

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Chicken Pox Pancakes recipe



1 serving


15 min


5 min


20 min
Low Fat, Fat-Free, Low in Saturated Fat, Low Cholesterol, Cholesterol-Free, Trans-fat Free, Low Carb, Sugar-Free, Sodium-Free, Low Sodium


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 x strawberries
* Camera
1 x pancake mix
1 x bananas
* Camera
1 x powdered sugar
* Camera


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 x strawberries
* Camera
1 x pancake mix
1 x bananas
* Camera
1 x powdered sugar
* Camera


With an adult's help, chop the berries into small chunks, allowing one or two per pancake face.

Set aside.

With an adult's help, prepare the pancake mix according to package directions.

When the pancakes are done, place each serving in a stack on a separate plate.

For every two stacks of pancakes, you need to peel one banana.

Carefully slice off the two ends and put one on top of each stack for a nose.

Then cut two thin slices from each endfor eyes.

Then cut banana in half for a long curved mouth.

Arrange the strawberry chunk chicken pox all around each face.

Use clean fingers to drop a pinch of powdered sugar on each pox for a tasty bit of pus.

Serves as many little polka dotted people as your heart desires.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button



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