by Ingredient

406 fry recipes

ready in 30 minutes or less

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Alpine Peppered Pineapple with Wild Fruit Yoghurt

A dessert made from pineapple with Alpine Pepper, and served with a side of wild fruit yoghurt.


Okinawan Doughnut 3 dozen

Asian-Flavored Asparagus with Fried Lemon

Never think about fried lemon with some refreshing asparagus salad, this recipe will totally change your mind and let you fall in love with these delicious pair!

Bananas Fritas

Treat your friends to dessert with this fruity and scrumptious dish that will have everyone licking their lips!

Cheese Balls with Tomato Dip

The 3 ingredient crispy, golden exterior of the cheese balls gives way to a gooey, melted cheese center, creating a delightful contrast of textures. The accompanying tomato sauce dip adds a burst of flavor, providing a tangy and savory complement to the rich cheese.

Showing 1 - 16 of 406 recipes