by Ingredient

Indian recipe collection

ready in 1 to 4 hours

Loaded Vegetable Curry
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Loaded Vegetable Curry recipe

Make-Ahead: Baked Curried Beef & Sweet Potatoes
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Make-Ahead: Baked Curried Beef and Sweet Potatoes recipe

North: Moghul Beef Kheema Curry with Corn (Makkai Kheema)
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North: Moghul Beef Kheema Curry with Corn (Makkai Kheema) recipe

Pakistani Rice & Lentils
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Pakistani Rice and Lentils recipe

Paneer with Baked Chickpeas
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This Indian inspired paneer dish is full of flavor, using several kinds of spicy, fresh ginger and garlic really give this dish tons of flavor. If you can't find the fresh Indian cheese, feel free to use mozzarella cheese instead.

Showing 97 - 112
of 254 recipes

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