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Chinese recipe collection

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Pork & Chicken Wing Adobo with Spinach
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There are many ways of preparing adobo. In this recipe, the sauce is reduced to a rich savory glaze to coat the pork and chicken.

Almond Tea Jelly
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Here are a couple of recipes for almond pudding. There are lots of variations of this dish some using dairy products, some using gelatin and some using agar agar and some combining them. It IS good! This first one is more "from scratch". The second uses almond extract.

Asparagus & Sesame Chicken Soup
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Asparagus & Sesame Chicken Soup recipe

Bob's General Tso's Chicken
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Bob's General Tso's Chicken recipe

Boiled Garlic Chive Dumplings
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This is a vegetarian dumpling dish, in Chinese New Year, when you begin to get tired of meat, you can try this recipe!

Braised dried Chinese mushrooms
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Mushrooms are always a healthy food, this recipe is very worthy to try!

Broiled Gingered Chicken (Chinese New Year)
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This recipe nowadays is not only cooked in Chinese New Year, but also in normal days!

Chinese Chicken Wings
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Why order take-out when you can make your own Chinese-style chicken wings in the comfort of your home.

Showing 65 - 80
of 101 recipes

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