by Ingredient

1,156 quick recipes

ready in 20 minutes or less

Too busy to cook? Our quick and easy tasty recipes are perfect for days when you don't have much time to spend in the kitchen.

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After the Holidays Salad

Great for using up turkey left overs after a Holiday feast. The fruit, nuts and seasonings give the salad a unique flavor.


Perfect salsa to go with meats, sides, etc. Make it your own! A plus is they are all natural ingredients and have veggies!

Alpine Peppered Pineapple with Wild Fruit Yoghurt

A dessert made from pineapple with Alpine Pepper, and served with a side of wild fruit yoghurt.

Amazing Chicken & Tomato Greek Salad

Amazing Chicken and Tomato Greek Salad recipe

Asparagus with Prosciutto

It is a nice recipe, asparagus with prosciutto, matching. Very great flavor.

Bake Tatos

A Parties favorite and a Kids Snack. Baked Tatos is a treat the whole family will enjoy!!!

Banana & Nut Sandwich

Banana and Nut Sandwich recipe

Beefy Mexican Pizza

At least 4 stars recipe, we all love it.

Best Butter Sauces

Best Butter Sauces recipe

Breakfast Scramble

Quick and easy breakfast eggs.

Showing 1 - 16 of 1156 recipes

Quick Tips

7 Tips to Feed Your Family Well on a Budget

How to Eat Well While Saving Money? You can easily cut down your grocery bills and still purchase healthy foods.

6 Easy Tips for Preparing Healthier Meals

Here are six easy ways to cut calories in the kitchen. There is no need for strict diets once you learn to cook healthy, flavorful meals at home.

How to Make Healthy, Quick and Easy Meals on a Tight Schedule and Budget

If you love to cook healthy and fresh meals by yourself but seems too busy to make complicated recipes. There are two quick and simple tips that are easy on your budget, but also taste better than fat and salt laden fast foods.

The Cost of Convenience

The other day I hopped over to a well known pancake chain for a serious pig-out session. I ordered pancakes, an egg, sausage, hash browns, toast, coffee & OJ. Thirty-five minutes later when the food finally arrived, they forgot my toast, my OJ, and neve

Timing is Everything

One of the most daunting tasks for both the professional chef and the home cook is coordinating the preparation of multiple items so that they are completed at the same time. And it doesn't matter

Cooking Phobia

Are you fearful of cooking? For some it is a mundane chore, to others a joyous hobby, and for some, an absolute

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