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Tofu recipe collection

538 Tofu recipes

Tofu Stir Fry
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Vegetarian Stir Fry with Tofu

Anasazi-Tofu Enchiladas
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Bean connoisseurs will appreciate the characteristic taste and texture talents of pinto and kidney combined within this ancient Indian entrant. Versatility of this variety is limited only by your imagination: take them for a dip: enlist them for creative Mexican food construction: they even taste good straight!

Asian-Flavored Broccoli with Tofu
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Broccoli is a nice vegetable, it contains a lot of vintamin, tofu is a good food too, a lot of protein, easy for people to adsorb. It is really a very great recipe!

Awesome Sizzling Rice Soup
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Awesome Sizzling Rice Soup recipe

Baked Macaroni & Tofu
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If you're looking for something different, try this scrumptious dish that has flavor in every bite!

Showing 337 - 352
of 538 recipes

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