by Ingredient

323 cinnamon recipes

that are low in fat ready in 30 minutes or less

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Holiday Molasses Crinkles

Molasses Crinkles recipe

Vanilla-Bean Porridge with Apple & Cinnamon

Oats are a great source of soluble fibre and have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. Cinnamon is well regarded for its ability to balance sugar levels, thus keeping hunger at bay for longer. Adding flaxseeds or chia seeds boosts the omega-3 oils and adds even more fibre to the dish. The dish can be assembled the night before and left in the fridge for the oats to soften. All that is required the next morning is to add hot milk.

Fried Elephant Ears

Fried Elephant Ears recipe

Gingered Holiday Chutney

Gingered Holiday Chutney recipe

Welch’s Concord Grape Cider

Juice from Concord grapes is packed with potent polyphenyls and research shows that the consumption of Concord grape juice can help promote a healthy heart and may help prevent heart disease and other chronic diseases by improving the body’s ability to deal with oxidative stress.

Showing 193 - 208 of 323 recipes