by Ingredient
Basic Poached Chicken Breasts

Basic Poached Chicken Breasts

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Submitted by dpage1

Good for a low-fat diet or when you need to prepare cooked chicken for use in another recipe.


4 servings


5 min


15 min


20 min



Preheat oven to 375℉ (190℃).

Use as many chicken breasts as you need for dinner.

Wash and pat dry with paper toweling. Arrange in a baking dish , tucking the narrow end under the breast to prevent it from drying out.

Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with lemon juice and dot with butter.

Cover loosely and bake about 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of your chicken breasts. Or bake until the thickest part of the chicken is no longer pink. Even better use a instant read thermometer and cook until the thickest part of the chicken reaches 165 degree F.

Do not overcook.

Use pan juices to create a sauce if desired.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button


anonymous Germany

This is BAKED chicken - NOT POACHED!



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