If you're looking for a quick and simple dinner, this succulent dish is perfect for your constantly moving lifestyle.
A belly warming Polish potato soup made with a classic combination of onion, carrots, potatoes and Polish kielbasa sausage. Hearty enough for a main dish.
Instead of going through the hassle of using the oven, use the crockpot to cook this savory and succulent dish that will have you licking your fingers.
Mediterranean-Style Beef Stir Fry recipe
A succulent shrimp dish that doesn't take a whole lot to make or eat!
Braised Buckwheat Kernels Popular in Russia where it's called Kasha, this hearty style side dish is prefect for a hurry-up meal.
Let the oven have the day off and turn on your crockpot for this succulent dish you will love.
We've kept all the great flavor of the original zesty chicken wings but eliminated some of the fat by using skinless breasts.
A rich and scrumptious quiche made with bacon slices, swiss cheese and a tasty light cream.
A scrumptious side dish that tastes wonderful with anything you cook up on the barbecue!
Apple Glazed Pork Roast recipe
These succulent pork chops are easy to make with this simple crockpot recipe that will find its place in your cookbook.