A succulent chicken dish that is also made with savory cornmeal dumplings that make one scrumptious dinner!
The sauce here is no kin whatsoever to the ketchupy stuff that too often swamps cold seafood; it's a good bet with cold shrimp or crabmeat, too.
Chicken Cynthia recipe
Very beautiful recipe, these beans are cooked very tasty!
The Super Bowl is finally here! Twisted Butter’s Chef Jane Johnson offers a recipe that definitely doesn’t need to compete for a title! Start your Super Bowl Party off right by making Twisted Butter’s Bacon Macaroni and Cheese with Béchamel Sauce and Cheddar French Fried Onion Crust your friends and family will kick field goals for. Chef Jane Johnson uses Twisted Butter’s TWISTED Bacon, Dijon Mustard & Green Onion Butter, among other fresh ingredients.
Showing 3249 - 3264 of 4178 recipes