by Ingredient

238 garlic recipes

ready in 30 minutes or less

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Shrimp and Scallops, Garlic
Shrimp & Scallops, Garlic

Plump shrimp and tender scallops coated in a tangy garlic sauce. What's not to love?

Garlicky Shrimp-Cilantro Tacos

This is a really tasty taco dish. I was impressed at the ease of preparation, as well as the wonderful flavor.

Garlic, Chipotle & Jalapeno Marinade

This marinade sounds like very spicy, but it actually isn't. Because after marinating, you will wipe it away, and all the delicious flavors go into the meat without leaving too much spiciness.

Garlic Shrimp Salad

This is a very light salad. One serving provides you with 60% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C, 56% DV for protein, 53% DV for vitamin K and 44% DV for folate. Good for health!

Showing 49 - 64 of 238 recipes

Garlic Tips


Garlic is native to central Asia, but its use spread across the world more than 5000 years ago, before recorded history. It was worshipped by the Egyptians and fed to workers building the Gread Pyramid at Giza, about 2600 BC.

Vampire Repellent

Garlic. What would we do without it? Garlic's reputation precedes itself. And a ponderous reputation it is. Garlic has been alleged to

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