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Greek recipe collection

ready in 30 to 60 minutes

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Quick, easy and tasty tzatzika, make it at home, and you will love how refreshing it turns out!

Baklava (Rolled Variety)
Baklava (Rolled Variety)
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Baklava (Rolled Variety) recipe

Greek Orzo Stuffed Peppers
Greek Orzo Stuffed Peppers
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Greek flavor perfectly matched each other. I drizzled a splash of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil just before serving. Even though it tasted clean and light, it was actually quite filling because of orzo and chickpeas. The presentation looked great as well, will definitely be making this again.

Rolled Baklava with Honey Syrup
Rolled Baklava with Honey Syrup
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Rolled Baklava with Honey Syrup recipe

Aegean Sea Chowder (Psarosoupa Kakavia)
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A hearty and delicious seafood chowder that will please anyone who loves food from the sea!

Showing 17 - 32
of 113 recipes

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