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Recipes with apples

1,615 recipes


The traditional cookie for Purim, hamantashen is Yiddish for "Haman's pockets". They are meant to recall the story of Haman, a wicked Persian prince who wished to destroy the Jews but was foiled by Mordecai and Esther."

Blackberry & apple crumble

This recipe is healthy and tasty, very nutritious too. It can be served as a fruits salad, or mixing with ice cream, they all go very well!

Purple Power Juice

This is a wonderful detoxifying and blood cleansing juice. Beetroots are a wonder vegetable and have recently been shown in clinical trials to lower blood pressure. They are also loaded with folic acid (critical during pregnancy) and the mineral silica, which helps the body use calcium more efficiently, thus preventing osteoporosis.

Cabbage Rolls W/ Sausage & Corn Bread

Try this new type of delicious cabbage rolls that are made with cornbread stuffing mix and sausages.

Cabbage Rolls W/ Sausage & Corn Bread

Try this new type of delicious cabbage rolls that are made with cornbread stuffing mix and sausages.