To make the lamb: In a large roasting pan stir together the tomatoes, the mushrooms, the bell pep per, the yellow onion, the shallots, the garlic, the pearl onions, the rosemary, oregano, and thyme sprig, ¼ cup of the oil, and salt and pepper to taste.
Arrange the lamb, patted dry, on top of the vegetable mixture, drizzle it with the remaining 2 tablespoons oil, and season it with salt and pepper.
Roast the lamb and the vegetables in the middle of a preheated 450?F.
oven for 15 minute s, reduce the temperature to 350?F., and roast the lamb and stirring the vegetab les every 20 minutes, for 1 hour and 20 minutes more, or until the lamb registe rs 145?F.
on a meat thermometer for medium-rare meat.
Transfer the lamb to a cutting board and let it stand, covered loosely with foi l, for 15 minutes.
Reserve the pearl onions for the mixed baby vegetables.
Tr ansfer the lamb to a platter, spoon the baby vegetables around it, and garnish the lamb with the mint sprigs.
If planning to make the stuffed cabbage reserve 1 pound of the lamb.
To make the mixed vegetables: In a kettle of boiling salted water cook separately the zucchini, the pattypan squash, the carrots, and the haricots verts until each vegetable is crisp- tende r and cook the potato, peeled and cut into ½-inch dice, until it