Mix ½ cup water and the onion in 2 quart microwavable casserole.
Cover and microwave on high 3 minutes to 4 minutes 30 seconds or until onion is barely tender.
Stir in remaining ingredients except chicken and spaghetti.
Cover and microwave 5 minutes.
Stir in chicken.
Cover tightly and microwave on medium-low (30%) 15 to 18 minutes or until hot.
Remove bay leaf.
Serve sauce over spaghetti.
Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.
Range-top Directions: Omit ½ Cup water and ¼ Cup water.
Heat 1 cup water and all ingredients except chicken and spaghetti to boiling in 10-inch skillet; reduce heat.
Cover and simmer 30 minutes, stirring occasionally: Stir in chicken.
Cover and simmer 30 minutes longer; stirring occasionally Remove bay leaf. Serve as directed above.