by Ingredient

251 potato recipes

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Spiced Lentil Soup with Assorted Vegetables

Spiced Lentil Soup with Assorted Vegetables recipe

Marianne's Chili

A savory and hearty chili made with Portuguese sausage, sweet bell peppers and dark kidney beans.

Pumpkin Cheesecake(Steamed)

This lemony pumpkin-flavored dessert is low-fat, airy, and souffle-like because it's made with only the beaten whites of the egg. The cake puffs in the steamer and then deflates slightly as it stands.

Layered Vegetarian Dinner

A scrumptious and tasty vegetarian dish made out of a variety of vegetables you can get from your garden or the grocery store.

Showing 193 - 208 of 251 recipes

Potato Tips

How to store potatoes

What is the best way to store potatoes so they last as long as possible? One trick that can double their storage time.

Christmas Articles - A “Sweet” Vegetable Just In Time For The Holiday Season

Sweet potatoes are often referred to “sweet potato pie” but there’s more you can do with the delicious winter vegetable. The sweet potato (or yam, as some people in the U.S. and Caribbean) is the starchy, sweet-tasting tuberous roots that comes the

Peel Out

Numerous fruits and vegetables are peeled for a variety of reasons. Some must be peeled in order to be palatable, such as celery root or pineapple. Others have edible

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes

Let your taste buds decide which to serve as a side dish. The sweet potato has a sweeter flavor...

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