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315 pineapple recipes

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Coronado Salad Ring

Coronado Salad Ring recipe

Dump Cake

Perfect for the summer, this bright cake has a delectable taste that people will remember for a long time to come.

Superb Hawaiian Baked Beans

Superb Hawaiian Baked Beans recipe

Calypso Kielbasa

A sweet and spicy and very colorful island-ish tasting treat. It'll make your taste buds dance. I created this recipe when I was running really low on groceries and had to throw something together for dinner. It has evolved a bit since, but same basic concept

Pineapple Cloud Pie

Pineapple Cloud Pie recipe

Coconut Pineapple Delight Cake

This decadent cake is easy to make and is perfect to take to your next family gathering!

Easy Sweet & Sour Pork

The right balance of flavor. The pork was sweet, sour, and full of flavour. I added pineapple chunks, both green and red bell peppers to the dish. The dish looked so colourful and tasted delicious. The combination was perfect.

Best Curry Chicken Salad with Grape, Pineapple, & Almond

This is very tasty even if you can only add the grapes or the pineapple, but really good with both. People who don't like curry, and those who don't like fruit in their meat, LOVE this. It is very refreshing and a great treat for visitors who just had to travel on plane (or for any other dehydrated guests.) :)

Hawaiian Sweet Bread

I made all Hawaiian food and this was with it. I loved smelling this cooking throughout the house, and it was divine. I froze two of the loaves, because I was told do not give it away, save it. Oh well will have to make double next time.

Showing 289 - 304 of 315 recipes