3,160 MUSTARD/85 recipes
Sweet and sour apples, crunchy and savory celeries, nutty and salty peanuts, and a lemon-dijon dressing make a delicious, light yet refreshing salad.
This barbecue sauce is quick to make from scratch and wonderfully packed full of flavor.
Instead of trying to make dill pickles this summer, try this tasty recipe that can accompany any meal.
Stromboli (Stuffed Bread) recipe
A sweet, sipping chocolate, perfect on a cold winter day. I use 85% chocolate. The amount of sugar can be decreased, or the chocolate can be increased for a richer chocolate flavor.
A fantastic rice dish; eat with my Chicken Masala (posted separately) or whatever takes your fancy. A lot of spices and herbs to assemble but the cooking is very easy.
Give the barbecue a rest and use the crockpot to create this savory dish that is perfect for the summer.