by Ingredient

Wheat recipes

from the Side Dish collection

158 WHEAT recipes

Sweet & Spicy Couscous Salad

Sweet and Spicy Couscous Salad recipe

Curried Cumin Potatoes

These are very tasty potatoes, and it was a huge hit.

Honey-Glazed Carrots

This simple side works with various meat main dishes.

Raspberry Slaw

If you are losing weight or you want to eat some healthy food, you can try this slaw, easy to make, taste good!

Roasted Beets

Roasting is one of the best way to cook beets, as it brings out their wonderful buttery flavor. This easy to prepare, healthy recipe does just that.

Healthy Sautéed Red Cabbage with Ginger

This recipe has a lot of vitamin A and C, it can be served with any kind of meat dish, always a great accompaniment.

Shrimp Salad

This is an quick and easy recipe, you can enjoy this salad as a light meal on its own or as a side salad to accompany a larger meal. They all go great!

Vanilla Fruit Salad

Fruit salad is always welcomed by kids and wwomen, this vanilla fruit salad is a good flavour!