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51 irish recipes

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Black Pudding (Irish)
Black Pudding (Irish)

Black Pudding (Irish) recipe

Oatcakes (Irish)

These cakes are eaten buttered, with a glass of milk, for supper, but are also good with oily fish such as herring or mackerel. They are also terrific with wine and cheese.

Green Irish Drink
Green Irish Drink

Made of crushed fresh green grapes and pineapple juice, enjoy this Irish green drink.

Smoked Cod Pie (Irish)

Though not traditional, the addition of 2-3 oz of cheddar cheese to the sauce makes this an extremely tasty dish.

Boxty (Potato Griddle Cakes) (Irish)
Boxty (Potato Griddle Cakes) (Irish)

Boxty is a traditional Irish breakfast potato dish, often described as a potato pancake or griddlecake. It's easy to make, thrifty and comes with its own poem.

Bailey's Chocolate-Chip Cheesecake

Bailey's Chocolate-Chip Cheesecake recipe

Vanilla Irish Coffee
Vanilla Irish Coffee

Vanilla Irish Coffee recipe

Buttery Brow Sugar & Irish Whiskey Poached Bananas

These yummy treats are perfect with ice cream, or frozen yoghurt. So good!

Showing 1 - 16 of 51 recipes