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62 vegan recipes

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Vegan Breakfast Tortillas

Vegan Breakfast Tortillas recipe

Vegan Tofu Egg Salad

WOW This Vegan Tofu Egg Salad is delicious!! Super easy to make and tastes just like the real thing.

Chow Mein in Chanterelle Sauce with Fresh Herbs
Chow Mein in Chanterelle Sauce with Fresh Herbs

Vegan. I always wondered how would chanterelles taste with typical ingredients of Chinese cuisine. Now I know. Of course I wouldn't be myself if I didn't make it my way.

Vegan Cheese Fondue
Vegan Cheese Fondue

This recipe is ideal for any get together but maybe bear it in mind for your New Year’s Eve party, easy to make and so healthy too – just in time for those resolutions! Cashews may be small but they have huge benefits. Studies have shown that eating a fistful of nuts may reduce the risk of heart disease, cashews contain powerful antioxidants called Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are absorbed directly by our retina and help prevent age related macular degeneration, they are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, they have a great percentage of dietary fibres and have many more positives. We know one New Year’s resolution you’re going to make!

Vegan Chocolate Lava Cake
Vegan Chocolate Lava Cake

Chocolate is usually thought of as a guilty pleasure but for the Maya civilisation and their ancestors it was a daily staple; the Mayans murals and ceramics capture the abundance of chocolate available to them. Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree which flourished in southern Mexico. Recent studies found that cocoa extract, Lavado, could have a positive effect on cognitive decline, other studies indicate chocolate could help lower the risk of developing heart disease. Let’s celebrate the history and the benefits of chocolate with this enticing, vegan, recipe on the 13th September – National Chocolate Day.

Vegan Grilled Veggie And Tofu Stack With Balsamic And Mint
Vegan Grilled Veggie And Tofu Stack With Balsamic And Mint

This healthy main dish is cooked completely on the grill and is flavored by a simple, four-ingredient marinade!! Excellent with grilled rustic bread served alongside. I like to use my Fig Balsamic Vinegar in place of the regular balsamic vinegar. A Must Try!! Excellent complement to the other flavors of course!! This is one of my favorite Vegan Main Dishes!! 

Vegan Roasted Vegetable Omelette
Vegan Roasted Vegetable Omelette

A healthy vegan recipe, ideal for using up leftover Christmas day vegetables on Boxing Day. It’s a light dish perfect after the indulgences of Christmas day. Chickpea flour is naturally gluten free, chickpeas are a super source of protein, fibre and iron. The skin of vegetables and fruit are quite often a good source of nutrition in itself, the dark skin of the Zucchini/courgette is high in soluble fibre which slows digestion and stabilises sugar levels. The dark skin of the Eggplant/Aubergine is full of fibre, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants, Tomato skin is full of antioxidants too so before removing skins bear this information in mind.

Braised Figs With Arugula (Chad & Misha)

Chad and I have enjoyed this salad twice over the summer, when fresh figs were available. It is delicious with any type of green. We didn’t eat a lot of figs growing up, but they’re now on the menu!

Fudge Icing

Add extra to your fudge, top it with this white vanilla frosting. This icing also works well with cakes.

Showing 1 - 16 of 62 recipes