by Ingredient

11 thai recipes

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Asian Beef Tacos
Asian Beef Tacos

The idea of Korean Tacos trucks and the delicious tacos they produce intrigued me. I developed this as my own version of an Asian flavored taco.

Crockpot Flank Steak
Crockpot Flank Steak

An easy beef flank steak recipe for your slow cooker.

Thai Grilled Chicken with Sweet Chile Dipping Sauce
Thai Grilled Chicken with Sweet Chile Dipping Sauce

This was a great recipe! I've made it several times.

Healthier Nasi Lemak

Considered the national dish of Malaysia, nasi lemak is a breakfast staple in Singapore hawker centres, but is also recognised as one of the least healthy breakfast options - no surprise since lemak means 'fatty' and refers to the rich white rice cooked in coconut cream. When served with fried chicken, the dish really does pack a calorific punch. However, with a few tweaks and substitutions it is possible to create a healthier version of the dish to enjoy on weekends at home with family.

Pork Satay

pig meat in a nutty sauce

Showing 1 - 16 of 11 recipes