This was the side-dish my mother-in law made for Easter dinner, and my favorite. Freshly homemade pasta was mixed with basil pesto, sun-dried tomato, arugula and chunks of fresh mozzarella cheese. It was so delicious and flavorful. Here it is...
A scrumptious salad made with hot chili peppers and monterey jack cheese that is perfect for a summer barbecue!
A creamy and scrumptious pasta salad made with bell peppers, pasta shells and a delicious seafood mix.
An easy pasta salad that uses the fresh veggies you have on hand and some Italian dressing so you can put it together quickly, we love quick and easy recipes.
Mixed Veggie and Mozzarella Pasta Salad recipe
Delicious pasta salad! Serve cold or hot.
It is a great summer recipe.
Showing 1 - 16 of 17 recipes