Delicious German Pancake recipe
Super moist and delicious.
An easy and delicious German potato salad.
German Gingerbread Cookies recipe
It all began in a small village in the Black Forest of Germany, where a group of mischievous elves tried creating a cookie to make people dance joyfully. They stumbled upon anise, a magical spice with a sweet and licorice-like flavor, and decided to use it in their cookie recipe.
A German take on pancakes. Very flexible, toss in some apples or other fruit and your children or hubby will love you.
Authentic German apple cake recipe that will wow your guests. Decoratively topped with apple halves with a light and fluffy crumb, a winning classic German recipe.
German Mom's Springerle recipe
Make these delicious German breakfast pancakes for your kids at the weekend, serve the pancakes with fresh fruits, jams or whatever toppings you like.
Showing 1 - 16 of 35 recipes