Cheesy, oozy and juicy casserole. A delicious way to use up the eggplant without putting too many calories on you.
With the convenience of your crockpot, you can make these succulent meatballs that can be served alone or with any kind of pasta.
These quick and easy salmon patties are the perfect starter dish for any dinner party. With just a few ingredients, these golden brown and crispy patties are sure to impress.
This recipe is based on the one from Jean Christoph Novelli's grandmother Louise's recipe. He call's it "The Most Amazing Tomato Sauce on the planet" I agree. This is not the exact recipe (I tweaked it very slightly and made some educated guesses on the amounts of various ingredients but based upon the taste I believe it is probably very close.
Super crispy without greasy taste. This is the best crispy fried chicken you will enjoy ever.
Make the best brownies in the world with this simple and delicious recipe that will have your kids wrapped around your finger!
Tasty treats, and the recipe can also be used to make quick bread.
I have searched for weeks for the recipe for bubba gump shrimp co's special strawberry shortcake. It was one of those trademark recipes so i had to travel to Chicago to ask for myself. I only managed to find out the biscuit recipe and the vanilla drizzle that goes on bottom, but the rest is pretty simple, so I guessed! :)
Make this world favorite dish that will have your family eager to set the table and wash up before dinner.
Best Texas Chili - Weight Watchers Favorite recipe
Skewered marinated beef kebabs are great for grilling. This recipe features a technique to really maximize the marinade penetration. Add pineapple, peppers and onions for perfect grilled beef kebabs every time.
My 14 year old said "pretty good" much better than a plain ham sandwich.
TVP gives the lasagna beefy texture, the tomato sauce makes the lasagna juicy and flavorful; ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses add the creaminess and cheesiness . An absolutely delicious vegetarian lasagna that your meat lover friends may ask for second slice.
Best Christmas Butter Cookies recipe.
Enjoy this deliciously moist rhubarb cake without feeling guilty at all, and the best of all is that this cake is packed with goodness!
Leave the ground beef in the freezer, and use this delicious recipe that uses not chicken, but fish!
Showing 145 - 160 of 440 recipes