7,035 MEAT:-DUCK/8 recipes
Add some style to your dinner with these scrumptious crab cakes that will have everyone talking about how delicious they are!
This tasty stew will reward you for the time it takes to make a proper roux, which add depth.
New Orleans' most popular sausage, a type of country sausage made with pork, or pork and beef. It's not really smoked, but has a fine smokey flavor that makes it an ideal seasoning meat for our favorite bean dishes, gumbos, and jambalayas. We also like it pan grilled as a breakfast or dinner sausage.
It has eleven herbs and spices? The Original Recipe is now packaged in three different places. The way it is cooked and the process makes it taste like it has eleven herbs and spices when in reality there is not. The way it is done in the restaurant is using dried eggs and milk in the flour along with a box of breading salt and the seasoning bag and a bag of breading flour.
Very healthy and nutritious combination, tastes very well too!