32,202 LOW MUFFIN/299 recipes
Coconut milk, cinnamon and cloves flavor this side dish of squash and yams.
You can't go wrong with this dish that is a perfect snack once hunting season comes around!
Go bananas for this scrumptious bread made of pecans and a hint of cinnamon.
If you're a fan of carrot cake you will love this low-fat rendition that is perfect for dessert.
This excellent soft pancake wrapper, easily made at home, is eaten in Norway with butter and 'geitost' cheese, or used to wrap delicious little morsels of smoked ham, 'fenalar', dried and salted leg of mutton, or a spoonful of berry conserve.
Baked, bubbly and yummy
Make sure to use the convenient quick-cooking barley, that will save a lot of time. And very nice flavor too.
A colorful vegetarian casserole that is perfect for dinner outside in the summer heat.
Delicious and moist applesauce bread. If you want more fibre boost, substitute half all-purpose flour to whole wheat flour. This yummy goodness is ideal for breakfast.
A great bread machine recipe that makes a very crusty bread that tastes great plain, or toasted.