1,208 JEFF-SMITH/6 recipes
Sweet and sour apples, crunchy and savory celeries, nutty and salty peanuts, and a lemon-dijon dressing make a delicious, light yet refreshing salad.
Chicken Tortilla Casserole recipe
This deliciousness came about when my neighbor Johnny brought over a ton of veggies from his garden one summer. This is a light but flavorful dish that is probably one of 6 year olds favorite meals. I serve it over rice but I'm sure it would taste great with a pasta too. As far as measurements, I'm terrible at measuring and usually just throw in as I go, so use as a guide and get creative while cooking!
This is so flavorful and easy to prepare, tasted so good with such simple ingredients.
Who needs meat? The cuminscented black bean filling is hearty, satisfying, and incredibly easy to prepare.
This is an easy appetizer to make and can be frozen. From one of my best friends Barbara Smith
One of Sherri's simple meals.
It's a nightmare.
Whoever is fascinated with delicious dishes and recipes and like to taste different kind of lip smacking recipes , then try this Indian- Thai traditional recipe. Try it you will find yourself why it is called as indian- thai recipe!
Treat your chicken to Greek culture with this succulent dish made with garlic powder, oregano and seasoned salt.