by Ingredient

Recipe Sifter

Recipes using: oregano that may be fat-free that are ready in 30 min.

524 recipes

Scallops Ageganata

Scallops Ageganata recipe

Broccoli & Cheese Omelet

This generous broccoli and cheese omelet is a healthy breakfast recipe that is low in fat, cholesterol, and carbs, all without sacrificing flavor.

Cumin Quick Black Bean Soup

A hearty soup that can pretty much go with anything else you serve for lunch or dinner.

Mouse River Chili Con Carne

If you like "frijoles con chili con carne," add a small can of pureed tomatoes to pot and dish up over cooked kidney beans. Only a peasant would mix beans into a chili pot.

Pasta With Arugula And Clam Juice

Arugula is most commonly employed in salads as in the infamous tricolor salad.