Pineapples, sweet potatoes and macadamia nuts highlight this Hawaiian style potato salad.
This salad's presentation is quite lovely. The citrus vinaigrette is top notch and we use the leftovers for other vegetables. The combination of orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit really kick it up a notch. If you really want to impress your guests and blow them away with sophistication this is sure to wow them. Or just make the dressing and use it for other dishes and turn any ordinary vegetable into something special.
This refreshing, quick and easy stir-fry satisfy your stomach within a few minutes, serve it with rice, quinoa or any your favorite cooked grain.
Never think about fried lemon with some refreshing asparagus salad, this recipe will totally change your mind and let you fall in love with these delicious pair!
Asparagus & Pimento recipe
Super easy side of Asparagus dressed with pimentos, lime juice and pine nuts.
serve with cream or ice-cream
A simple salad with big health credentials: avocados are an excellent source of good fats, and more recently have been shown to also inhibit inflammation when eaten in combination with foods that typically trigger it. They are also a rich source of potassium (which balances sodium to keep blood pressure levels stable) and vitamin E, an important antioxidant.
Baked fish with a quick flavourful confit of two kinds of tomatoes and citrus.
This makes a spectacular breakfast jam spread on toast, or as a topping for ice cream or banana muffins.
Showing 1 - 16 of 261 recipes