by Ingredient

306 garlic recipes

ready in 30 to 60 minutes

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Curried Garlic Dip

Suggested Dipping Veggies: Zucchini, Mushrooms, Cherry Tomatoes, Deli Meats, Chicken Drumettes

Roasted Garlic Baked Chicken

So easy to make, and roasted garlic adds the tangy flavor to the baked chicken, a quick and delicious recipe for your dinner!

Garlic Bologna

Mom's Recipe

Garlic Shrimp with Tomato & Cucumber

Very Garlic Shrimp with Tomato and Cucumber recipe

Roasted Butter-fly Chicken with Toasted Almond, Mint & Garlic Sauce

The minty and toasted almond sauce is a hit, roasted chicken goes very well with this citrus, garlicky and nutty sauce.

Spiced Marinated Shrimp & Garlic

Spiced Marinated Shrimp and Garlic recipe

Showing 209 - 224 of 306 recipes

Garlic Tips


Garlic is native to central Asia, but its use spread across the world more than 5000 years ago, before recorded history. It was worshipped by the Egyptians and fed to workers building the Gread Pyramid at Giza, about 2600 BC.

Vampire Repellent

Garlic. What would we do without it? Garlic's reputation precedes itself. And a ponderous reputation it is. Garlic has been alleged to

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