by Ingredient

306 garlic recipes

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Crispy Cheddar Chicken & Garlicky Spinach

Crushed rice krispies and cheddar cheese adorn this healthy and easy main dish.

Aigo Bouido (Garlic Soup)

This isn't cream of garlic soup, but it has a creamy texture. As Julia says, "Because the garlic is boiled, its after-effects are at a minimum, and its flavor becomes exquisite, aromatic and almost undefinable."

Linguine Stir-Fry with Green Beans & Garlic

Easy and delicious. Used whole wheat pasta to make my meal even more heart-healthy. I will make it again.

Pasta with Quick Tomato And Garlic Sauce

A tantalizing and delicious pasta dish that's perfect for a light lunch!

Alfie And Archie'S Garlic Treats

These scrumptious treats are made with whole wheat flour and a bit of garlic powder.

Hot & Garlicky Black Bean Soup

I was surprised at how good this was. I will add fresh cilantro next time, and fresh veggies such as corn and green onion, celery. Was not spicy enough for my taste, so maybe add jalepeno next time as well. I enjoy this recipe!

Broiled Chicken with Roasted Garlic Sauce

Succulent chicken is served with a creamy and garlicky sauce. A delicious dinner will please even pickiest eater.

Creamy Carmelized Garlic Dip

A creamy and delicious dip made with cider vinegar and plain yogurt. Perfect for those vegetable platters!

Baked Garlicky Shrimp

Baked Garlicky Shrimp recipe

Showing 193 - 208 of 306 recipes

Garlic Tips


Garlic is native to central Asia, but its use spread across the world more than 5000 years ago, before recorded history. It was worshipped by the Egyptians and fed to workers building the Gread Pyramid at Giza, about 2600 BC.

Vampire Repellent

Garlic. What would we do without it? Garlic's reputation precedes itself. And a ponderous reputation it is. Garlic has been alleged to

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