Chocolate, nut and cinnamon rolls, is there anything better than these three together? Love chocolate? Love nuts? Love cinnamon rolls? Give it a go, and you will find a huge satisfaction from these delicious rolls.
Whole wheat flour, oats, most olive oil or grape-seed oil and small amount of butter make these cookies much healthier but still packed with deliciousness.
Triple Chocolate Muffins recipe
Perfect in the fall when pumpkins start appearing in the markets. The cookies turn out cake-like and golden. The gentle mix of pumpkin and cinnamon works well with the chocolate chips.
These cookies are very nice, I made them for a party, all the people they loved them, a big surprise.
Firecracker Brownies recipe
These rich and decadent brownies are perfect for Valentine's Day.
These cookies have been popular at our home over years, we bake them all the time, and always turn out great!
Cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and peanut butter make these delicious energy balls that are also packed with lots of good-for-you stuff. They are perfect for your mid-day snack and boost up your energy.
Smooth, silky, rich and chocolaty. You can find all these deliciousness in this chocolate pie.
These are the best good and chewy chocolate chips cookies I've ever made.
Enjoy these seriously chocolaty and mouth-watering cookies without feeling guilty.
These cookies are soft-cake like because of the pumpkin and applesauce. Dried cranberries and chocolate chips give the cookies additional deliciousness.
Cowgirl Cookies recipe