by Ingredient

128 bar recipes

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Amazing Chewy Crispy Apricot Walnut Energy Bars
Amazing Chewy Crispy Apricot Walnut Energy Bars

We can always find different kinds of bars in stores, why not make your own crispy and chewy bars, this is a easy homemade bar, tasty and handy.

Apricot-Walnut Cereal Bars
Apricot-Walnut Cereal Bars

Loaded with fruit, protein, grains and nuts. Yummy and chock full of nutrients. Grab n' go power bars.

Awesome Oatmeal Fruit Jam Bars

Awesome Oatmeal Fruit Jam Bars recipe

Best East Texas Red Chili

East Texas Red Chili recipe

Best Milky Way Cake

Best Milky Way Cake recipe

Blackberries Crumb Bars
Blackberries Crumb Bars

really simple to make blackberrie pie.

Blackberry Crunch Bars
Blackberry Crunch Bars

These bars are great with coffee, as a snack, or included in a lunch box. So quick and easy---delicious!

Blueberry Breakfast Bars

Blueberry Breakfast Bars recipe

Brownie Oreo Cheesecake Bars
Brownie Oreo Cheesecake Bars

Brownie and cheesecake can be enjoyed at the same time. Cocoa powder, cream cheese, nuts and condensed milk make these absolutely decadent brownie cheesecake bars.

Brownie Refrigerator Cake

Brownie Refrigerator Cake

Showing 1 - 16 of 128 recipes