Heat oven to 450 F.
Prepare pie crust according to package directions for unfilled one-crust pie using 9 inch pie pan.
Refrigerate remaining crust for later use.
Bake at 450 F. for 9 to 11 minutes or until light golden brown.
Cool completely.
To prepare sauce, press 4 cups raspberries through strainer to make 1 cup puree.
Discard seeds. In small saucepan, combine sugar and cream of tartar; blend well.
Stir in puree; mix well. Over medium heat, bring mixture to a boil.
Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Cover; refrigerate.
In medium heavy saucepan, combine condensed milk and ⅔ cup whipping cream; blend well.
Over Medium heat, bring mixture to a boil.
Remove from heat; cool 5 minutes.
In food processor bowl with metal blade, combine milk mixture and melted chocolate; process 5 to 10 seconds.
Add egg yolks; process 5 seconds.
Add raspberry- flavored liqueur and amaretto; process 5 seconds.
Pour blended mixture into large bowl; set over ice.
Stir for 5 to 7 minutes or until mixture is cool.
Beat mixture on Highest speed for 2 to 3 minutes or until soft peaks form.
Pour into cooled baked crust.
Refrigerate about 1 hour or until firm.
In small bowl, beat 1⅓ cup whipping cream until soft peaks form.
Add confectioner’s sugar and vanilla; beat until stiff peaks form.
Spread over cooled filling.
Garnish with chocolate curls and whole raspberris, if desired.
Refrigerate until serving time. Remove from refrigerator 1 hour before serving.
Serve with raspberry sauce. Store in refrigerator.
Makes 10 to 12 servings.
- One teaspoon raspberry extract plus enough water to measure 2 tablespoon mabe be substitute for raspberry liqueur.
** One tespoon almond extract plus enough water to measure 2 tablespoons can be substituted for amaretto.
*** Electric mixer can be used in large bowl, combine milk mixture and melted chocolate; beat on Medium speed for 30 seconds.
Add egg yolks; beat 15 seconds.
Add raspberry flavored liqueur and amaretto beat 30 seconds or until smooth.
Contine as above.