Dr Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup
Recipe taken from “The Eat-to-Live Diet” by Dr Joel Fuhrman. Packed full of vegetables and thickened with cashews.
16 servingsPREP
30 minCOOK
60 minREADY
90 minIngredients
Add the beans and 4 cups of water in a large pot, cover, on the lowest flame possible.
Take the outer skins off the onions and place the whole onion in the covered pot. Do not chop up the onions.
Add the whole zucchinis.
Cut off the bottom roots of the leeks and slice up the side in order to thoroughly wash the leeks.
Chop off the last inch at the green top and discard it.
Add the entire leek into the pot.
Juice the carrots and celery in a juicer. Pour the juice to the pot.
Meanwhile chop up the mushrooms.
Cook until the zucchini, leeks and onions are all soft.
Ladle some of the liquid from the pot into a mixer. Use tongs to transfer the soft onions, zucchini, and leeks into the mixer.
Be careful to leave the beans in the bottom of the pot.
In a few batches, blend together the onions, zucchini, and leeks until smooth.
Add more soup liquid and the cashews to the mixture, and blend inches.
Return the blended, creamy mixture back to the pot.
Stir in the TVP and the mushrooms, if desired.
Simmer another 20 minutes. Serve and enjoy.
how many beans are added to this recipe.
thank you katie
How big is your pot. I tried this recipe in my largest 8 quart stainless steel dutch pot. After I squashed 5 large zucchinis in it there was no room cor any more zuchinni or the rest of the items.
Just half of each ingredients will work better in the pot
This is terrible!!!
By beans does he mean the split peas? There are no beans On the The ingredient list
This soup taste terrible.
Soup tastes really good after the cashews are added. I also use 1 butternut squash, steamed 1st, then blended with remaining soup..delish.
I thought the original recipe had greens, i.e. Kale? I had to "cheat" a little... couldn't bear to waste all the fiber from the carrots and celery, so chopped up and added. Also chopped onions and mushrooms and sauteed in a bit of avocado oil before adding everything else. AND added a large bag of fresh chopped kale. Also, I cut the recipe in half and used organic veggie broth. added fresh lemon juice to serve, and a dash of Bragg's amino acids. Darn tasty! Not sure if it still meets anti-cancer specs, but I'm definitely getting my veggies :-)
Yes! The original recipe had greens (I used spinach) & corn in it! No mushrooms or split peas. I previously added garlic and red bell pepper and
Oh - and as I chopped everything rather than throwing in whole, I ate chunky instead of blending. I think I prefer this way. Incapable of following a recipe!
Definitely not Dr Fuhrmans recipe! His has kale and he'd never add TVP, or bouillion cubes! You've also used his 1st version, which he later updated to chop all the onions etc first. Anyone looking for his recipe should look elsewhere.
This is NOT Dr Fuhrman’s recipe. The author replaced two bunches of kale with TVP. TVP is a cancer-promoting food. Kale is a cancer killing food.
Not The Recipe... Epic Fail...