by Ingredient

Cinnamon candies

About the ingredient cinnamon candies. Including 17 recipes with cinnamon candies.



In Chinese:肉桂糖果
British (UK) term: Cinnamon candies
en français:bonbons à la cannelle
en español:dulces de canela

Recipes using cinnamon candies

There are 17 recipes that contain this ingredient.


Flat Cat Cookies

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Flat Cat Cookies recipe


Applesauce Salad

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Applesauce jello salad -- A delicious jello salad, taken from The Monterey Coast Guard Officers' Wives Club Cookbook. My sister-in-law was the president of the club which put that cookbook together.


Candied Apples

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Nothing is more Halloween than some delicious and sweet candies apples.


New Zealand Holly Cookies

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This recipe, though fussy to make, is attractive and tasty. Cheryl Kaufenberg of Darien said it came from a very old Better Homes & Gardens magazine

All 17 recipes

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