Give your spaghetti a new look by making this delicious spaghetti pie. Cheesy, juicy and warm...
This is a great recipe to help you use up the leftover rice, meanwhile deliver a delicious meal without too much hassle.
A delicious meat pie is great at Christmas. Feel free to use ground beef, pork, lamb or a combination of different meats. Make a few of these meat pies a few weeks in advance, then freeze them in the freezer. Reheat it in the oven directly out of the freezer just before serving.
The silken tofu makes the pie taste silkily smooth, and it's loaded with chocolate. The best of all is that this dairy-free pie tastes so creamy, rich, and you can not tell that there is tofu in it.
Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie recipe
Irish Shepherd's Pie recipe
A decadently delicious coconut cream pie highlights the coconut. The custard filling is made with half and half, and egg yolks. It's creamy and rich, which goes deliciously well with the coconut. Meringue topping adds another layer of creaminess without adding any more fat. Nobody can resist it!
Scrumptious little sweet tarts that are simply filled with a bit of brown sugar and dates. No "pork" involved, just old-fashioned Acadian simple goodness.
You can use any vegetable as you wish, the pastry is made with whole wheat flour, low fat milk and a little bit butter or olive oil. It is a much healthier way to enjoy a pot pie!
This Key Lime Pie was so much lighter, and the meringue topping was fluffy, creamy and super light. Enjoy this delicious key lime pie without feeling guilty!
Make this world favorite dish that will have your family eager to set the table and wash up before dinner.
This delicious rhubarb custard pie is a hit at our family dinner table.
This Greek-style spinach pie was absolutely delicious! The cheese mixture of ricotta and feta was moist and cheesy, which gave the pie lots of flavors; sauteed mushrooms, spinach, and sun-dried tomatoes were a great combination. The phyllo came out golden brown and crispy. This pie can be served as a lighter main dish or an elegant appetizer.
This pie won me second place at my churches dessert contest .. Yummy
Nancy Reagan's Pumpkin Pecan Pie recipe
Showing 241 - 256 of 2540 recipes