51,693 SALT FREE DINNER/22 recipes
We like this piquant tomato sauce, which is easy on the calories, but if you are in the mood to indulge, try cream in place of the ricotta and yogurt.
Cornish game hens stewed in fruit and sugar -- I originally got this recipe from the Sunday magazine of the local paper. I served it last year for Christmas dinner, and it's very good. What's more, this recipe is easy: you just put everything in a bowl, marinate overnight, then bake until done!
This dip is good on almost everything IF you like garlic. We dip unsalted pretzels as well as pita chips and or vegetable cudites. It also makes an excellent base for brushetta.
Annie Mae Jones' Cornmeal Muffins recipe
Another Dr. Life original, this recipe is a great example of how to combine great spices to get a flavorful meal without having to use a lot of salt. Seitan is a good source of protein, however it is a gluten based product so if you are a sufferer of Celiac, you will need to use a different (and gluten free) protein substitute!
Adapted from “Jacques Pépin Celebrates” (Knopf, 2001)- New York Times
My family has been making this for years. It's always a hit.