3,371 PORK SLOW COOKER/134 recipes
Tired of the same old roast? Try this simple, yet succulent recipe that will have you licking your fingers!
Simple slow cooker recipe with authentic flavor, classic German ingredients. Perfect for Octoberfest.
Best stuffing I've ever made, and everyone loves it. I used pork sausage instead of turkey and it was most and delicious!
A succulent dish made with chicken, spaghetti sauce and white wine left to simmer to perfection in your crockpot.
Try this succulent casserole that is perfect to make when having guests over for dinner.
If you love cooking, you will love preparing this scrumptious dish that can satisfy anyone's hunger!
Best Venison Swiss Steak recipe
A traditional and delicious spaghetti sauce that can easily be made with the help of your slow cooker.