Simple and perfectly flavored. This was a wonderful dish. The toppings are so fresh & so tasty.
Coconut, kiwi and ham, they go very well. Great combination!
Place plain, nonfat yogurt into cheese cloth or a coffee filter. Place in strainer over a small bowl or cup. Allow to drain 2 to 24 hours, covered and refrigerated, until cheese reached desired consistency. Discard the whey (liquid). Store in covered container in refrigerator.
Impressive and healthy, realistic portion size. Save up for this one!
An Italian omelet. Unlike a French omelet where the egg is folded over the ingredients, the ingredients are actually mixed into the eggs.
Sweet! Super-Circle is made with honey, not refined sugar! Dense and intense, this 10-pounder is a scrumptious medley of flavors and textures. Can you say hearty, moist, chewy, crunchy, zesty and rich? The tangy frosting makes it sing!