11,128 SWEET POTATOES/350 recipes
The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie Cookie recipe
Irish Lamb Stew recipe
Mung beans are a great source of plant protein, fiber and minerals such as iron, zinc and potassium (needed to regulate blood pressure).
Oatmeal Cookies with Raisin and Walnuts recipe
A convoluted version of Muffaletta salad inspired the the New Orleans sandwich of the same name. Based on a recipe by that Guy on Food Network; a dressed up pasta salad that's packed with loads of punchy flavors and textures then served in Bibb lettuce cups.
A simple but scrumptious dish that is made with chicken, shrimp and fettuccine pasta.
Make the perfect meat loaf with your crockpot by following this simple recipe that will end your day in a perfect way.
Deep fried banana fritters with a sweet honey glazed.
Got his recipe in an email. From the Harvest restaurant, Cambridge, MA