8,571 WHOLE WHEAT PASTA/359 recipes
Aluwala Roti recipe
Black Bean Beef and Pork Chili recipe
This whole-wheat apple pancake is high in fibre, uses yeast and is completely dairy-free.
Oatmeal Waffles/Pancakes recipe
Everyone loves toasts with peanut butter, it's so quick and easy to make, and it's just good itself.
Double Berry Muffins recipe
Dan's Cookies recipe
Quick, easy and delicious. I only had salami, and that's what I used in the sandwich. Of course a slice of ham and smoked turkey would double the yumminess. I shredded the lettuce, and seasoned it with a bit extra-virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, salt and black pepper. The tomato slices were also seasoned with a pinch of sea salt. The sandwich was so good!
Fat Free Multigrain Pancakes recipe
This is an awesomely flexible dinner. You basically chop everything up, douse it in oil and some salt, pepper or whichever spices you're in the mood for (or grab first!) and chuck it in the oven for an hour or so.
So this is more of a throw together than a drawn out affair. Sometimes you want to feel fulfilled and in control without alot of effort right? These freeze easily and can take on so many variations. Add ins like chocolate chips or flavored egg nog or cheesecake fillings work too!
Jack's Veggie Burger recipe
Apple Walnut Crumb Muffins recipe
Nice and convenient breakfast for kids.
Spa Buttermilk Pancakes recipe
Mark's Eggless Pancakes recipe