by Ingredient

Scallions recipes

using: sweet red bell peppers

495 SCALLIONS recipes

Shrimp & Vegetables with Pasta

Shrimp and Vegetables with Pasta recipe

Crockpot Orange Chicken Recipe

Simple crockpot recipe

Vegetables, Tofu & Quina Stir-Fry

Stir-fried fresh vegetables and tofu are served with quina that is packed with fibre and protein. And it is so quick and easy to make, within less than 15 minutes, a delicious and refreshing meal appears.

Make-ahead Brunch Enchiladas

Tortillas stuffed with cheese, ham, and sweet bell peppers covered in a savory mixture of eggs and salsa are allowed to mingle overnight, like a Mexican French toast. Easy to prepare and just pop it into the oven in the morning with your feet up, sipping a coffee.

Fourth of July Crabcake

Celebrate the holiday by serving up this decadent delicious crab cake.

Anasazi-Tofu Enchiladas

Bean connoisseurs will appreciate the characteristic taste and texture talents of pinto and kidney combined within this ancient Indian entrant. Versatility of this variety is limited only by your imagination: take them for a dip: enlist them for creative Mexican food construction: they even taste good straight!