by Ingredient

Low muffin recipes

from the Snacks collection

438 LOW MUFFIN recipes

KFC Corn

A favorite of the Colonel was Corn on the cob and he deiced if he was going to sale it, it had to be delicious and sweet .

Harvest Restaurant Molasses Brownies

Got his recipe in an email. From the Harvest restaurant, Cambridge, MA

Cheese Crispies

If you have to be addicted to snacks, this is a great one! I was introduced to these while "stranded" in an airport with a woman who came prepared! They're great to munch on anytime, but are really excellent with wine!! Try them!

Tahini Toasts

Quick and simple snack/buffet food.

Cheery Chocolate Truffle Cookies

Chocolate and cherries - always a great combo - are enhanced in this winning shaped-cookie recipe by a coating of cocoa and powdered sugar. It was submitted by Lois A. Hernandez of West Allis.

Pumpkin Bread IV

This is an all time, excellent, every time recipe. It is very simple, and so well loved by many. I make these for family, friends, school functions, work functions, for gifts etc. It has always been raved about - even by kids! I recommend bringing this to your Thanksgiving function; you will be thanked many times for this delicious taste treat. This is a large quantity, but you will end up making this size batch more than once. You can also make muffins and small loaves using this recipe; bake for 30 to 35 minutes

Pizza Spinach Squares

Warm and cheesy hors d’oeuvres that are easy to make. Pepperoni and mozzarella turn this modification of bacon cheddar spinach squares into pizza squares!

Jerky Home Style

Make your own beef jerky with this tasty recipe that's extremely easy to follow and understand.

Betty Crocker's Fresh Tomato Salsa

Here is the all-purpose southwestern favorite. This simple salsa is unbeatable when tomatoes are at their brilliant best.

Frosted Pumpkin Cookies

Pumpkin cookies with caramel frosting, they're so good it's hard to eat just one. Great to make in a advance and freeze.

Bengali-Style Oven-Fried Potatoes

Bengali-Style Oven-Fried Potatoes recipe

Bacon Cheddar Cheese Ball (New Year)

Very easy to make, flavour is great, popular for New Year's Party!