Heat the oil in a large, deep pan.
Add the long-grain brown rice and onion slices and stir until the rice is coated and begins to turn opaque.
Add the garlic, saffron, stock or wate, lemon rind and salt and pepper.
Mix well, then bring to a boil. Mix again, to distribute the saffron coloring.
Arrange the vegetables and olives attractively on top of the rice.
Bring to a boil.
Cover with a lid or foil and simmer for 45 minutes.
Sprinkle with parsley and serve straight from the pan.
May be served with blanched almonds, slivered Brazil nuts or whole cashew nuts- separately, in a bowl - for people to help themselves to if they like.
Variation: VEGETARIAN PAELLA WITH ARTICHOKES: Use 4 to 6 globe artichokes instead of the leeks.
Very tender baby artichokes can simply be quartered; otherwise cut the leaves and choke from the artichokes, then halve or quarter the artichoke bottoms.
Garnish with artichoke leaves.